Sunday, November 2, 2014


   HI HI HI!!! Genie here. Welcome to LET'S TALK!!! This post is about me talking about random stuff which involves books and other stuff. As you can see, I have posted a LET'S TALK (PART 2), if you are interested in it, you can go check that out.


   I have been listing down books that I want to buy but I have only hundred dollars (Malaysian money) and I am choosing a few books. My goal is to hit 6 books. I plan to pre-order a book called Rebel Belle : Miss Mayhem. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, why buy a book that will come out after a long time? Well, its because, I wanna experience how its like to have a book pre-ordered. I know that's a stupid wish but hey, that's what I want. I already wrote down book that I MUST HAVE on the month of November (2014).

Book that I MUST HAVE


   I have 45 books that I am still thinking which books other than the must haves, should I buy. That's why I'm comparing prices. I plan to buy 6 books in total. To be honest, I was targeting to buy FANGIRL until many other great books came to my mind. I'm now having a hard time picking a good book. Please, HELP ME!!!

   Other than that, I am also planning to read a book which I got from the publisher on a giveaway. I won the book I've always wanted. Not only that, its signed. I promised myself to make a video form of review after I'm done reading that book. Plus, I also won another book actually. Its called Money Logging. Its about Asia and stuff like that. I can't wait to get my hands on that book too.

   Sometimes, I wish my fav authors would be kind enough to visit Malaysia and when they do, I want to their autographs. But I need their books for that. The thing is, I've only got 5 books and non of those books are from any authors that I love except for one book but that I've never seen an author giving me their signature face-to-face.

   I never been to a book convention before. Its because Malaysia rarely have those stuff and if they do, it would be far, far, far and my parents wouldn't allow me to go to far, far, far away places. Not by myself at least. I just told you guys one of my secrets. You must be thinking that I'm some kind of a lame person who calls herself a book lover but never have been to any book events. Yeah, I am that type of person. I openly admit that.

   I had this crazy thought about something, which is actually stupid. I wanted every author to give me all the books I wanted and they have to be signed... I know right. Its just stupid and really insane but hey, that's what I always thought. Its kinda like a dream actually. I know you guys are thinking that I am CRAZY!!! Yes, yes I am. I DO NOT REGRET THAT...

   I always wanted to watch Teen Wolf but that was when my parents wouldn't allow to watch anything YA-ish... I was only give the chance to watch to watch Twilight when I was 14 and this is the year when I turned 14 (2014)!!! My parents are strict but very caring. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


   OK guys, that's it from me. If you would like to say anything, comment and I'll might respond to it. I will be back with another post. Until then... BYE-BYE!!! :)

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