Monday, January 12, 2015


HI EVERYONE!!! I'm Genie and welcome to my blog. Since the blogging and read-a-thon has started, I want to say that I am currently reading BURN FOR BURN!!! So far, I love it, I can't wait to share my thoughts to all of you about this book. But today, is also the 1st day of 3rd year of middle school. So yeah, 3rd years are always tough years but I will still be reading quite a few books.

By the way, I'm the only one participating. My time of blogging would be fun and I am going to read a few books or so.


Yeah, I wanna say a few words. First of all, I am sorry for not hosting a giveaway but I will do that in the near future (hopefully) because first of all, I don't know how to host one and second, no publishers sent me any books and thirdly, I have no extra money or extra books that are the same copies. Not yet at least. But don't worry, giveaways will happen soon.

And also, I have a few books which I want to read this month but I couldn't get them because my mom and dad told me to save my own money and that could take a while to save the right amount but it's still a working progress.

Oh and guys, it's still not to late to enter the BLOGGERS READ-A-THON!!! Tweet me or comment below if you want to enter. I will post a link to my previous post about the activity.     

OK guys, I will be back with another post until then... BYE-BYE!!!

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